Happy New Year everyone! Now that the Christmas season is over, I though I’d look back on our homemade gift creations: some of them are pretty self explanatory and will only appear here, and a few I will include links to full posts on how we did them. We had a great time coming up with different ideas for people and pulling it all together. It was a lot more fun to create things for people than aimlessly searching Target for ideas! π Obviously we couldn’t post this before Christmas, so here it is!
Camera Strap Cover {tutorial here}
This camera strap was for my
photography loving sister. Love the ruffles & charms on it! |
Sugar Scrubs {tutorial here}
mmmm sugar scrubs. I saw lots of recipes for these all over Pinterest
and knew I had to do some for Christmas. I ended up coming up with my
own variation of them & from what I hear they turned out pretty
good! We kept a little of the leftovers for ourselves and love how
leaves your skin feeling super soft. |
“GRANDPA” Picture Frame
My husband pointed out to me a while ago that the picture frame
industry is pretty sexist. – You can find tons of female oriented names
{sisters, mom, nana, etc}, but NO male names {unless it’s a collective
“grandparents”.} Seriously? So when I went to look for a grandpa frame
this year, sure enough, tons of “grandma” options, none for gramps. So
with the assistance of some high quality sparkle stickers from target,
we made our own! I love how it turned out π They are pretty thick, so
it looks fairly legit in my opinion, plus the stickers came in handy on
some other Christmas gifts as well… |
Painted Barn
This is technically my dad’s gift to my mom, but it was so cute I had
to include it. He found a little wooden barn that came with a tiny set
of paints & animals {a craft for kids I assume?} and asked me to
paint it. It’s supposed to be symbolic of the barn they are building…
So I stretched the paint as far as I could and this is how it turned
out. I glued the horse & fence inside & added their last initial
to the front. Little girl enjoyed playing with the “extra” animals while I
worked on it. |
Watering Can Monogram Ornament
Our family decided to do an ornament exchange with on set of my
grandparents, and we thought this adorable little watering can fit their
personality. We used the same sparkle letters as before to personalize
it with their initial and the year. |
Pom Necklace Sets {tutorial here}
I found a great tutorial for these & I personally think they are adorable! These were gifts for my cousins. |
Twisted Flower Bracelet {tutorial here}
This was for one of my sisters. I thought the paisley fabric fit her
personality perfectly. It was pretty easy to make & I love how it
turned out! |
Bleach Design T-shirt
This T-shirt was created for our 18-month-old nephew Chase. I printed
off his name and placed it on cardboard so the bleach wouldn’t leak
through. After I traced his name with a paint brush & bleach, I put
tin foil in between the Tshirt layers to prevent leak through when I
filled in the name. After letting it sit a while (maybe 20 min?) we
washed & dried it. I think I let it sit a little too long or used a
bit too much bleach because my letters expanded a bit… I followed up
with an orange Sharpie to give the letters a more clear outline. Wes
said it looked like “fire”, which I thought was pretty good for a
toddler boy! |
So that’s about it for our homemade gifts… I also made an ornament for my grandparents, but I broke it Christmas morning trying to carry our gifts to the car π And apparently I must not have taken any pictures either?? O well I suppose. I will update this post with links and such later {once I do more posts on some of the items}, but that’s all for now!
I definitely started early π &thanks! I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.